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Specialized Network Applications

Communications Software Toolkit

Simpact Associates, Inc.

Communications Software Toolkit (VCI 300) assists users in designing anddeveloping custom communications application software to run on Simpact'sICP 6/9 frontend processors (FEP), or CNS 6/6200 communicationsservers.The Toolkit includes documentation, training development software,runtime software, sample protocol software, and post-training support.The Toolkit development and runtime software consists of the following:host-resident device driver for UNIX systems; host-resident download/bootprogram; FEP or CNS-resident realtime operating system; source codetemplates for bit-synchronous, byte-synchronous, and asynchronousprotocols; and a PROM-based online debugging tool.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: VME-based I/O system or SBus-to-VME adapter
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Simpact Associates, Inc.
9210 Sky Park Ct
San Diego, CA 92123
Phone: (619) 565-1865
        (800) SIM-PACT
Fax: (619) 292-8015